Energy Healing for Enhanced Spiritual Practice
This is helpful for the empaths and spiritual seekers.
Become more conscious by energizing all of the 114 chakras, not just the 7 major wheels of life.
Results can include becoming:
* Clairvoyant - an inner seeing
* Clairsentient - clear feelings, receiving intuitive messages via feelings emotions or physical sensations
* Clairaudient - clear hearing
* Claircognizant - clear knowing
* Meditation Clarity and Motivation
There is also the increase in synchronicities in your life. These signs from the universe are available to all, but only a very few know this language. These signs mirror our inner lives and create the fabric of the web of life. These sessions will provide you with the basis for your spiritual growth on this rock we live on: earth.
Energy work to save humanity. This is the next step necessary for humanity to stay alive.
The term spiritual emergence refers to the normal life-enhancing aspect of human development which seeks meaning and connection beyond our personal identity. This leads to a greater capacity for wisdom, compassion, and respect for all life as well as a deeper sense of personal security and inner peace. This growth can be challenging, even tumultuous, at times turning into a crisis known as spiritual emergency.
This type of challenge is easily dealt with during a session. Often, it's a matter of some balancing and information sharing.
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